Evolution of Battlefield

If you are currently viewing our website as a guest, means you have access to view most discussions and articles but only limited access to most other features. By joining =BF2G= clan you will have access to publish messages, communicate privately with other members, access many other special features. Registration is fast, simple and absolutely free so please sign up to:
"Battlefield 2 Gamers" Clan.
If you have any problems with the registration process or your account login, please contact the Admin

We will not tolerate anyone abusing other team members - for any reason.

We expect clan members to use the forum regularly to keep up with clan news. Basically we want everyone to be a part of our team.

We are not results orientated. We recruit people regardless of their ability.

No cheating - the use of aimbots etc is not permitted, and getting caught will result in a kick from the clan.

There is no fixed trial period for NEW members earning their =BF2G= tag. A NEW member will be invited to become a =BF2G= member when we are sure that he/she are mature! Could take 5 minutes - could take 5 weeks and their =BF2G= tags will be announced in the forum!
Signing up to the forum is not an automatic right to wearing the =BF2G= tag!
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